A Door to New Life

Ravi Desai
4 min readJun 21, 2019
image courtesy Pixabay

Before I begin to share what lies ahead in this article, let me tell you first that this is only about one music genre which I have recently found out.

To begin with, I get surrounded by dark thoughts and emptiness more often nowadays than I used to during my college years.

Inactivity often leads to a melancholic outlook on every thing and you seem to be sucked out of vitality at each passing moment.

image courtesy : Pixabay

Of course motivational books can easily come to rescue if only one wants a temporary relief. It is often a comic thing for me to read hundreds of times about Edison and his failures in creating an “Electric Bulb” , as its message is not relevant in everyday happenings nor it is applicable to every scientist, especially in a dentist’s practice ( Imagine a kind soul who would let you give him a local anesthesia for 5 times successively, let alone giving it hundred times)

I agree that one should keep going on and on towards one’s goal and never should lose hope in the process.

But you will also agree with me that this is not the case with most of us. We do not lose hope at all , but also we do not see a fixed goal at all. We just feel emptiness and that’s that.

image courtesy :pixabay

Wait… wait.. wait….

Don’t go away this much early …

So instead of explaining that ineffable EMPTINESS , let’s talk about its CURE.

A special genre of music which will be an antidote to this.

In my opinion , Indian Classical Music will be a panacea for ailments ranging from Depression to Anxiety, Stress to Fear ; and from Melancholy to Emptiness.

Let me put a quote here by one maestro ( “Pandit” in Indian Classical tradition) of Indian classical music, Pt Nikihil Banerjee.

Here it is

“Indian music is based on spiritualism; that is the first word, you must keep it in your mind. Many people misunderstand and think it’s got something to do with religion — no, absolutely no! Nothing to do with religion, but spiritualism — Indian music was practised and learned to know the Supreme Truth. Mirabai, Thyagaraja from the South, Haridas Swami, Baiju — all these great composers and musicians were wandering saints; they never came into society, nor performed in society.”

In India, majority of people follow Hindu religion and therefore I take some liberty here in interpreting this quote in my own way.

Hindu way of life is having teachings of Bhagwad Gita at its core and therefore we believe in Laws of Karma.

The word “Karma” roughly translates into the meaning as “Action”

The message of Bhagwad Gita is the importance of Action. Doing one’s work without being attached to the result of that work.

For many of us Indians this is the implicit philosophy in our being and we feel a spiritual connection in it.

Any spiritual experience which dispels the gloom and emptiness from our lives is very similar to the message of Bhagwad Gita.

Here is the music which is not just an assortments of various chords but it is a spiritual experience itself. And for me it is something akin to the core message of Bhagwad Gita.

This music is based on Raaga Hamsdhwani ( Hams means Swan and Dhwani means Sound, Sound of Swan) which will fill your surroundings with a positive energy.

image courtesy pixabay

These Raagas of Indian Classical Music have special time period allotted to them. Some Raagas should be listened to at morning while some at the evening.

If you listen to a Raaga of morning time at early morning, it will have its maximum effect upon your mind and you will enjoy it very much.

This Raaga Hamsdhwani should be listened to at the second quarter of night.

image courtesy Pixabay

Although I prefer to listen to this tune at just any moment when my mind needs a break from depressive condition.

Western Classical Music has its own peculiar effect on mind. It’s pace is very slow sometimes while sometimes it is having a torrential force. All the while it fails to charge me up whenever I seek refuge in it.

On the other side there is this Indian Classical Music which not only cools down my agitated mind but it also puts me on the path of “Karma” ( Action ).

Whenever you lose track and feel like your path is going nowhere then simply listen to this tune or any other tune from Indian Classical Music.

You will surely feel the core philosophy of “ Detachment from Fruits of The Karma (Action)” .

There is one more video which will also give you peace of mind and comfort in your heart.

